[C] What is evil?
What is the Devil?
- The Enemy of God and Humanity
- The devil is often depicted as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and became the adversary of humanity (Revelation 12:7-9).
- The word devil comes from the Greek word “diabolos”, meaning “slanderer” or “accuser.”
- The devil’s role is to oppose God’s plans, lead people into sin, and destroy what is good.
- The Tempter
- The devil tempts individuals to disobey God, as seen in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5) and in the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).
- The Deceiver
- The devil is described as a deceiver who lies and misleads people. Jesus calls him the “father of lies” (John 8:44).
- The Accuser
- The devil accuses God’s people and seeks to bring condemnation upon them (Revelation 12:10).
Who is the Devil?
- Satan
- The devil is often identified as Satan, meaning “adversary” in Hebrew.
- Satan appears as a figure who challenges God’s authority and tests people’s faith. Examples include:
- The Book of Job: Satan accuses Job and causes suffering to test his faith (Job 1-2).
- The Gospels: Satan tempts Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11).
- The Serpent in Genesis
- In Genesis 3, the devil appears in the form of a serpent, deceiving Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, which leads to humanity’s fall into sin. This serpent is later linked to Satan (Revelation 12:9).
- Lucifer
- In some interpretations, the devil is connected to the fallen angel Lucifer, whose pride led to his rebellion and fall from heaven (Isaiah 14:12-15, often interpreted allegorically).
- The Dragon
- In Revelation, the devil is referred to as “the great dragon” and “that ancient serpent,” emphasizing his role in deceiving the whole world (Revelation 12:9).
Biblical References to the Devil
- Genesis 3:1-5: The serpent tempts Eve in the Garden of Eden.
- Job 1-2: Satan challenges God regarding Job’s faithfulness.
- Matthew 4:1-11: The devil tempts Jesus in the wilderness.
- John 8:44: Jesus calls the devil a liar and murderer.
- 1 Peter 5:8: The devil is described as “a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.”
- Revelation 12:7-12: Satan is cast out of heaven along with his angels.
The devil, also called Satan, is depicted in the Bible as a rebellious spiritual being who opposes God, deceives humanity, and leads people into sin. He is a fallen angel, the tempter, the accuser, and the ultimate adversary of good. The Bible
portrays him as both powerful and cunning, but also as ultimately defeated by God through Jesus Christ (Revelation 20:10).