[I] Greatest Deception is Coming Good vs evil

The recorded dialogue between God and the first humans is also meant for our instruction. It teaches us that God desires honest communication with us and that He seeks to bring us back to Himself even after we have sinned.

The Battle of the Mind: Thoughts of Good and evil

After Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, humanity became capable of knowing and experiencing both good and evil. Since then, our minds have become a battleground:• Thoughts from God: Thoughts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and self-control are fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). These thoughts align with God’s nature and lead us toward Him.• Thoughts from satan: Thoughts of fear, envy, hatred, pride, and lust are often prompted by satan, whose goal is to separate us from God and each other. James 1:14-15 warns us that when we are enticed by these desires, they can lead to sin and, ultimately, death.

Every thought we entertain can either draw us closer to God or lead us away from Him. That’s why the Bible advises us to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

A Call to Discernment

Be aware that not every thought that enters your mind is your own. It’s essential to discern whether it aligns with God’s truth or with the enemy’s lies.God wants us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2) and to meditate on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8).

God’s Word encourages you to continue seeking God’s wisdom and truth, allowing His Word to shape your thoughts and guide your life.

These are powerful and foundational truths to keep in mind when studying and reflecting on spiritual matters. Here’s a breakdown of these two essential principles:

Two Foundational Truths to Remember

  1. God’s Unconditional Love for Us, His CreationGod’s Nature: God’s love is at the very core of His nature. He created us out of love, and His desire is for us to have a deep, personal relationship with Him. As John 3:16 declares,“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”God’s Love is Unchanging: God’s love is constant, unfailing, and extends to all creation. No matter what we’ve done, God’s love remains steadfast, offering us forgiveness, grace, and a chance for redemption. So Please accept it!• Purpose of Creation: God created us with a purpose — to know Him, to

love Him, and to reflect His goodness in the world. His love is the driving force behind His plans for our lives, seeking our well-being and eternal joy. How do we love God? John 14:15 says:

If you love me keep my commandments.

  1. The Devil’s Hatred for God and His Creation• s atan’s Rebellion: The devil (satan) is a fallen angel who rebelled against God out of pride and jealousy. Ever since, he has been on a mission to oppose God in every possible way. (( Think about this, why are there so many different religions? )) Satan’s goal is to distort, destroy, and mock everything that God has established as good and righteous.• Hatred for God’s Laws and Order: satan despises God’s laws because they reflect God’s holy character and His perfect order. The devil seeks to lead people away from the truth, encouraging them to reject God’s commandments and embrace rebellion and sin. satan hates God’s health laws, relationship laws, & the 10 commandments love laws.• Tactics of Deception: The devil uses lies, temptations, and deceptions to manipulate and corrupt humanity. As it says in John 8:44,“He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”Mockery and Destruction: satan aims to invert and mock God’s creation. This is seen in his efforts to corrupt what is pure, to twist what is true, and to turn people away from the life-giving principles that God has set in place.

Applying These Truths in Daily Life

  • Stay Grounded in God’s Word & Love:Always remember that you are loved deeply by God. Let this truth guide your thoughts, actions, and decisions. God’s love is your anchor in a world filled with confusion and deception.• Be Vigilant

Against the devil’s Schemes:Remember satan hates you & me literally us all!Recognize that Satan’s goal is to lead you away from God’s truth. Be on guard, discerning the influences around you. Ephesians 6:11 reminds us to,“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”By studying God’s Word and staying in prayer, you can recognize and resist the lies and temptations of the enemy.• Choose to Follow God’s Laws:Embrace God’s commandments as a guide for living a life that honors Him. Psalm 119:105 says,“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”God’s laws are not burdensome but are given to protect us and lead us into a fulfilling life aligned with His divine purpose.

By holding on to these two truths — the boundless love of God and the destructive hatred of satan — you can navigate life with clarity, purpose, and strength. My Daughter once asked me, how do I know when God is talking to me, I said “to know God, is to know His Word”, mentioned in the Bible. God will not go against His Word.

Profound questions have been raised about how God and Satan communicate to us. Let’s explore these concepts in light of Scripture and spiritual understanding.

How God and Satan Communicate with Us

The Bible teaches that the thoughts and influences that come into our minds can either be aligned with God’s will or with the deceptions of Satan. Here’s a deeper look at how both God and Satan speak to us:

  1. God Speaks to Us:
    • Through His Word (the Bible):

God primarily communicates with us through the Bible, which is described as His living and active Word (Hebrews 4:12). When we read Scripture, we receive guidance, wisdom, and encouragement that align with His nature of goodness, truth, and love.

  • Through the Holy Spirit:

Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit communicates with our spirit, giving us thoughts of love, peace, conviction (not condemnation), and encouragement to follow God’s path.

  • Through Prayer and Personal Revelation:

God can also speak directly to our hearts in times of prayer or meditation. He can give us impressions, insights, or promptings that align with His character and Word. The Bible says in John 10:27,

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

  • Through Circumstances and Other Believers:

God can use situations and the counsel of other believers to speak to us. Proverbs 15:22 states, “Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.”

  1. How Satan Speaks to Us:
    • Through Lies and Deceptions:

Jesus referred to Satan as the “father of lies” (John 8:44). Satan’s primary method of communication is through deception. He plants thoughts in our minds that lead us away from God’s truth, causing confusion, doubt, fear, pride, or temptation.

  • Through Negative and Tempting Thoughts:

As you mentioned, after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they began experiencing thoughts they had never had before—thoughts of shame, fear, and hiding from God. Satan can inject negative, tempting, or discouraging thoughts directly into our minds, especially when we are vulnerable. In Genesis 3, we see how Satan used cunning words to deceive Eve into disobeying God.

  • Through Influencing Others:

Satan can also use other people to communicate his lies. (( When the devil suggests thoughts to someone and that someone gives that thought to someone else which could potentially be a set up for temptation or to do something wrong or evil. )) This can happen through worldly philosophies, harmful advice, or even well-meaning people who are unknowingly spreading falsehoods. The Bible warns us to be discerning and to test every spirit to see whether it is from God (1 John 4:1).

  • Through Subtle Suggestions and Doubts:

Satan often uses subtle suggestions to sow doubt and confusion, similar to how he questioned God’s words to Eve, saying,

“Did God really say…?” (Genesis 3:1). He can whisper doubts about God’s goodness, our identity, or our worth. *The number one deception is to make someone think a certain way or to make someone believe that it was their thought when it was actually the devil’s thoughts, setting up someone for destruction.

Understanding Genesis 3:9-11 — God’s Questions to Adam and Eve

In Genesis 3:9-11, God asks Adam and Eve a series of questions after they sinned:

  • Verse 9:

“And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?”

  • Verse 10:

Adam responds, “I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.”

  • Verse 11:

God then asks, “Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?”

Why does God ask questions if He already knows the answers?

God is omniscient, meaning He knows everything. The purpose of these questions is not for God to gain information but to provide an opportunity for Adam and Eve to reflect, confess, and understand the gravity of their actions. Here’s what we can learn:

  • For Reflection and Self-Realization:

God’s questions are meant to awaken Adam and Eve to their new state of being—one where they are now aware of good and evil. By asking these questions, God is gently leading them to acknowledge their disobedience.

  • To Encourage Accountability:

By asking, “Who told you that you were naked?” God is prompting Adam to recognize that this knowledge came from disobedience.

Profound questions about the nature of divine and demonic communication, especially in the context of the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis. Let’s explore these concepts more deeply.

  1. How Does God and Satan Communicate With Us?

The idea that God or satan communicates through our thoughts is a long-standing theological belief. According to various religious traditions, both God and satan can influence human minds, but they do so in fundamentally different

ways:• God’s Communication:Inner Voice/Conscience: Many believe God speaks to us through our conscience, that inner moral compass that guides us toward good actions. This aligns with the idea that God’s Spirit can inspire thoughts of love, kindness, peace, and truth.• Holy Scripture and Prayer: Another way God communicates is through sacred texts, like the Bible, where He has revealed His will. Prayer is a two-way conversation where believers seek guidance and feel inspired by God’s responses.• Divine Inspiration: This is the sudden feeling of insight or wisdom that aligns with goodness, often described as the “still, small voice” of God (1 Kings 19:12).• s atan’s Communication:Temptation and Lies: In contrast, satan is often said to communicate through thoughts that lead to temptation, confusion, fear, doubt, and lies. This is reflected in John 8:44, where Jesus calls satan “the father of lies.”• Deception: Just as the serpent deceived Eve in Genesis 3, satan asked a question and Eve started talking to satan. Never converse with the devil or satan or anything that is evil, because the devil is the father of lies. John 8:44 After eating of the fruit in the garden the devil now can subtly influence thoughts, pushing individuals towards actions that lead away from God’s will.• Negative

Thoughts: Feelings of hatred, jealousy, anger, or despair are often attributed to demonic influence, encouraging individuals to act against their better nature.

  1. Thoughts as the Knowledge of Good and evil

The observation that the thoughts we have come from the knowledge of good or evil is insightful. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil in Genesis represents a turning point in human consciousness:• Before Eating the Fruit: Adam and Eve were innocent, without the knowledge of good and evil. Their thoughts were pure and aligned with

God’s will.• After Eating the Fruit: Their eyes were “opened,” meaning they gained moral awareness and the capacity for self-reflection. This newfound knowledge allowed them to discern right from wrong but also made them susceptible to

internal conflict, temptation, and guilt. And now the devil could communicate with Adam & Eve without physically being in person to talk to them as he did with the serpent and now could communicate to them in their thoughts thru a system more sophisticated than wifi.*The moment they ate from the tree, their thoughts could now be infiltrated by evil. The Knowledge of Good is to Recognize evil. They could now be influenced by both divine and demonic forces, leading to a mixture of thoughts that align with either God’s goodness or satan’s evilness.

  1. Why Does God Ask Questions If He Already Knows the Answers? (Genesis 3:9-11)

Let’s look at those verses for context:

“But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’ He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’ And He said, ‘Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?’” (Genesis 3:9-11). So who told Adam he was naked? It was the satan bringing thoughts through

Adam’s mind, bringing the inception of evilness. Note: There was no other man or woman there except Adam & Eve. The knowledge of evil was diluting the mind of Mankind. By asking the question, God wanted mankind to know that the devil-evilness is now talking to them through their thoughts.

God, being omniscient, surely knew where Adam and Eve were and what they had done. However, He asks these questions for several reasons:• Self-Realization: God’s questions are meant to prompt Adam and Eve to reflect on their actions. It’s not that God needs the information; rather, He is giving them a chance to confess and acknowledge their disobedience. This is a moment of divine mercy, offering them an opportunity to repent.• Moral Accountability: By asking “Who told you that you were naked?” God is highlighting the source of their newfound shame and fear. It brings attention to the fact that they have acted on knowledge they were not ready to handle, influenced by the serpent.• Teaching Moment: God’s questions serve as a way to instruct and edify. They are not just about judgment but about revealing the deeper implications of their actions, helping them (and humanity) understand the consequences of turning away from divine guidance. Knowing that evilness could now ask for equal time in your head, if you allow it. You can actually forbid

evil time in your head by saying No as soon as you recognize the evil thought presenting or setting a temptation. James 4:7 Submit yourself therefore to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you. God’s words are sure!

  1. The Devil Communicating in Our Minds

It’s significant that after the fall, the way humans receive thoughts changed. The serpent’s successful temptation in Eden marks the beginning of an internal spiritual battle where both God and satan can influence human thoughts:• Internal Struggle: Paul speaks about this inner conflict in Romans 7:19-23, where he describes the struggle between doing good and being tempted by evil.• Spiritual Discernment: Believers are called to test the spirits (1 John 4:1) and to renew their minds (Romans 12:2), suggesting that not all thoughts are from God, and we must be vigilant in discerning their source.

5. Dustin Pestlin, THE DEATH DECEPTION (What REALLY Happens When You Die!): https://youtu.be/tEELZ1lPpno?si=KBW1CXbqGZD1HWme

Doug Batchelor / The Devil’s Deadliest Deceptions: https://youtu.be/9iIaZgEdkg8?si=idaw4O9GYOLy1PfU


The Genesis account shows the transition from a state of pure, divine communication to a fallen state where humanity is vulnerable to temptation. God’s questions are an invitation for self-awareness, repentance, and a deeper understanding of our relationship with Him. The thoughts we entertain can indeed spread the influence of either good or evil, highlighting the importance of being mindful of what we allow into our hearts and minds.

In essence, our thoughts are not merely our own—they are influenced by spiritual forces, and we have a role in choosing which voice to heed.

In God’s Amazing Love, God has an Awesome Plan to Save Mankind and put an End to evil!